quick and easy weight entry

Weight Tracker for HealthKit



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Weight Tracker for HealthKit

quick and easy weight entry

Weight Tracker provides a quick and easy way to enter and track your weight. It uses HealthKit to save and store your weight information.

Quick weight entry

Configure settings

Weight chart

BMI report

Manage weight entries

Record BMI and body fat %


Weight Tracker provides a quick and easy way to enter and track your weight. It uses HealthKit to save and store your weight information.


Weight Tracker has an innovative and straightforward to use, weight picker control designed for speed and simplicity. When opening the app, it is set to the last selected weight. No need to enter numbers on a keypad, just slide the picker to your latest weight and click on add.


Track your weight today and start taking advantage of the HealthKit features in iOS!


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Weight Tracker for HealthKit

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